How to Create Software and APIs using ChatGPT

AI Toolz
4 min readMar 19, 2023


How to Create Software and APIs using ChatGPT

ChatGPT may be helpful in the development of software in a number of different ways. It may help with the software development process by providing technical advice and insight, evaluating code, and fixing code problems. The software development process may be streamlined and productivity increased by using these features. The ChatGPT API may also be used to create programs that need natural language processing, such as chatbots. ChatGPT may provide helpful code snippets in any programming language using a text prompt that outlines the application requirements

APIs are a collection of standards, tools, and protocols that allow various software programs to connect with one another. In order to generate revenue from APIs you can charge for access or offer premium features.

Here are some examples of simple APIs that you can create yourself:

  • Random Quote Generator API: You may construct an API that draws a random quotation from a collection of quotations. The quotations may be kept in a database, and an API endpoint can be made to deliver a random quotation in JSON format.
  • Weather API: You may make a straightforward API that offers weather data for a certain place. You may get the information using an open weather API, such as OpenWeatherMap or WeatherAPI, and then build your own API to prepare the information and provide it in a common format, such as JSON.
  • Currency Converter API: You can build a currency conversion API that uses the most recent exchange rates. In order to obtain the exchange rates, you may utilise an open-source currency exchange rates API like Fixer or Open Exchange Rates. After that, you can develop your own API that accepts input in a certain format and returns the converted amount in the appropriate currency.

Creating a Simple Random Quote Generator API using ChatGPT

I used the following ChatGPT prompt to generate the code for a simple Random Quote Generator API. ChatGPT generated a simple Flask application in Python with a single route that, upon access, produces a random quotation from a collection of quotes.

Then I asked ChatGPT to show me how I can run the program, and it gave me instructions on how to run the Flask application as below.

In the middle of the process, I decided that I would prefer a Node.js application rather than the Flask application. I asked ChatGPT to convert the code to Node.js, and it did (I will share the code in the Code section at the bottom of the page):

It also gave me instructions on how to run it locally:

I created the file in Linux, opened the file, and pasted the Node.js code above, then saved and ran it using the following commands:

  • Create the file: ‘touch random-quote-api.js
  • Open the file: ‘vim random-quote-api.js
  • Copy-paste the code
  • Save the file: type ‘:’ and then ‘w’ and enter
  • Exit the file: type ‘:’ and then ‘q!’ and enter
  • Run the application: ‘node random-quote-api.js’

When running this command, I got an error as shown below:

I asked ChatGPT about this error, and it provided me with the solution to run ‘npm install express" as the error indicates that Node.js is unable to find the required module ‘express’.

After running the command to install the ‘express’ module, I ran the node.js application again using this command: ‘node random-quote-api.js‘, and this time it ran the application and gave me this message: ‘Server running on port 3000’.

You can access the Random Quote Generator API by making a GET request to the /quote endpoint at 'http://localhost:3000/quote‘. Navigating to this URL, it showed a random quote with every refresh:

To get the generated code above, and read more about AI-generated content and applications of ChatGPT, visit my website at


In general, while ChatGPT cannot develop an API or software on its own, it may be a helpful tool during the planning, creating, testing, and marketing stages of it. Software development can benefit from ChatGPT’s ability to generate code snippets, provide insights and ideas, reply to questions, and give assistance.



AI Toolz
AI Toolz

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